
Elastic Beanstalk file permissions inside the config file

I have the following code inside my project.config file:

    command: |
      cd /var/app/ondeck
      find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
      find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
      chmod -R g+w app/cache/
      chmod -R g+w app/logs/
      chmod -R g+w app/config/
      chmod -R g+w media/files/
      chmod -R g+w media/images/
      chmod -R g+w translations/
      chown -R webapp:webapp .
      chmod -R 777 app/cache/
      php app/console cache:clear --no-warmup -e prod
    ignoreErrors: true 

or the same code if inside the post deployment script defined under files:. Now this works perfectly fine when I ssh into the server and see the file permissions and ownership, but the problem is the app doesn't work and it gives following error:

Cache directory "/var/app/current/app/cache/prod" is not writable. - in file /var/app/current/vendor/symfony/class-loader/ClassCollectionLoader.php - at line 280

When I manually run the same commands, I still notice the same permissions and ownership with ls -l as before, the same green app/cache directory and everything is same but I no more get the above error and the app works.

Why does it happen? Why do I have to execute them manually?


  • Maybe try it as a hook, and test different owner/groups?

        mode: "000755"
        owner: ec2-user
        group: ec2-user
        content: |
          cd /var/app/ondeck
          find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
          find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
          chmod -R g+w app/cache/
          chmod -R g+w app/logs/
          chmod -R g+w app/config/
          chmod -R g+w media/files/
          chmod -R g+w media/images/
          chmod -R g+w translations/
          chown -R webapp:webapp .
          chmod -R 777 app/cache/
          php app/console cache:clear --no-warmup -e prod

    Ref: serverfault question