I am trying to run heavy tasks asynchronously. The client then polls the server to know when the job is done. This seemed to work, but I noticed that my WebService that responds to the polling is blocked when I put a breakpoint in my @Asynchronous Method.
This is what I did:
JobWS.java // Used to start a job
public class JobWS {
public Response startJob(MyDTO dto) {
return ResponseUtil.ok(jobService.createJob(dto));
JobService.java // Creates the job in the DB, starts it and returns its ID
public class JobService {
private AsyncJobService asyncJobService;
private Worker worker;
public AsyncJob createJob(MyDTO dto) {
AsyncJob asyncJob = asyncJobService.create();
worker.doWork(asyncJob.getId(), dto);
return asyncJob; // With this, the client can poll the job with its ID
Worker.java // Working hard
public class Worker {
public void doWork(UUID asyncJobId, MyDTO dto) {
// Do work
// ...
// Eventually update the AsyncJob and mark it as finished
Finally, my Polling Webservice, which is the one being blocked
public class PollingWS {
AsyncJobService asyncJobService;
public Response loadAsyncJob(@PathParam("id") @NotNull UUID id) {
return ResponseUtil.ok(asyncJobService.loadAsyncJob(id));
If I put a breakpoint somwhere in doWork(), the PollingWS does not respond to HTTP requests anymore. When I debug through doWork(), occasionally I get a response, but only when jumping from one breakpoint to another, never when waiting at a breakpoint.
What am I missing here ? Why is my doWork() method blocking my Webservice, despite it running asynchronously ?
I found the culprit. A breakpoint suspends all threads by default. In IntelliJ, a right click on it will open the following dialog:
When changing the "Suspend" property to "Thread", my WS is not blocked anymore and everything works as expected. In retrospect, I feel a bit stupid for asking this. But hey... maybe it will help others :)