I know we can generate a custom image using this link.
But the point is, I want a custom image that does not have any borders. With the link provided you can generate a custom image or .patt
file with a black border around that image. It is applied to every image that is uploaded. The thing is, I want to use that image the way I want without the border as is shown. So my question is, is this possible in AFrame?
If not, please suggest me any other library or any other process that I can use to achieve this, if this is possible at all.
Update: Please look at @kalwalt's answer below. It is possible now.
currently it is not possible to use markers without border using jsartoolkit. There has been work to enable this. You can have a look here: https://github.com/artoolkitx/jsartoolkit5/tree/nft
However, that only performs on desktop not mobile.
Another way could be using OpenCV.js template matching: https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d8/dd1/tutorial_js_template_matching.html