
How do I use Get-ChildItem to return files that don't have an extension?

I want to get a list of files that don't have a filename extension. Consider the content of my directory to be:


My goal would be to get file1 only.

Running Get-ChildItem -Exclude *.* -File returned nothing.

Running Get-ChildItem -Exclude *.* returned folder and file1.

Running Get-ChildItem -File returned file1 and file2.mp4.

Any idea if there is any way of using Get-ChildItem to only return file1?


  • In PowerShell v3+ (including PowerShell (Core) 7):

    Get-ChildItem -File -Filter *.

    -Filter is generally preferable to -Include / -Exclude for performance reasons, because it filters at the source, rather than returning all objects and letting PowerShell do the filtering.

    In PSv2, where the -File switch isn't available, you need an additional Where-Object call to limit the results to files, as TheIncorrigible1 points out:

    Get-ChildItem -Filter *. | Where-Object { -not $_.PSIsContainer }

    Slower PowerShell (Core) 7 solution:

    Get-ChildItem -File | Where-Object -Not Extension

    Optional background information:

    That a -Filter argument is processed by the underlying provider, means that its behavior may differ from PowerShell's native capabilities, which is indeed the case here: the FileSystem provider uses the Windows API's wildcard-expression matching, which has fewer features than PowerShell's wildcards as well as some historical quirks; also, it is limited to a single wildcard expression, whereas -Include / -Exclude support multiple ones (separated with ,).

    Here, however, -Filter offers something that PowerShell's wildcard matching doesn't: using *. to match files / directories without extension.

    -Include / -Exclude generally offer functional advantages at the expense of performance, but they have their own limitations and quirks:

    In short: -Include / -Exclude offer no solution here.