I'm new to using C++ Builder so apologies if I'm making any rudimentary mistakes.
I have drawn out a TLayout named 'Collection' with a 5x5 grid of TRectangles within it. The cells are named like so "CellXY". I presumed it might be easier to draw these out on the Form rather than instantiating them with code, now I'm thinking otherwise, but I would still like to solve the problem this way to better my understanding.
I'm trying to write a method which will return a pointer to a TRectangle whose name contains the coordinates passed to the method.
Currently, I'm trying to do this by iterating through the children of the TLayout Collection:
TRectangle* __fastcall TForm2::getCellRectangleFromCoordinate(int X, int Y){
TRectangle* targetCell = NULL;
char targetCellName[6];
sprintf(targetCellName, "Cell%i%i", X, Y);
for (int cIndex = 0; cIndex < Collection->ChildrenCount; ++cIndex)
TRectangle* cellRect = (TRectangle*) Collection->Children[cIndex]; // Error Here
string cellName = cellRect->Name;
if (targetCellName == cellName) {
targetCell = cellRect;
return targetCell;
But I am given an error reading:
E2031 Cannot cast from 'TFmxChildrenList' to 'TRectangle *'
If anyone could help, I'd be very grateful!
The Children
property is a pointer to a class type (TFmxChildrenList
) that internally holds an array of objects. Children
is not the actual array itself, like you are trying to treat it as.
is using pointer arithmetic, which is not what you want in this situation. You need to use the Children->Items[]
sub-property instead, by changing this statement:
To either this:
Or this: