
After renaming SQL Server 2016 cluster there's still a trace of old name from Database Mail

I followed the Microsoft Docs and changed the name of a new SQL Server cluster I built from SQLCLUSTER to SQLFC01. I ensured everything was updated in AD and @@SYSTEMNAME returns the correct 'SQLFC01'. I'm running SQL Server 2016 Standard on SP2 and CU2.

The problem
When sending myself a test email via Database Mail, the name of the email shows as: "SQLCLUSTER SQL Server Admin" instead of "SQLFC01 SQL Server Admin"

I'm guessing there are remnants of the name somewhere on the server... though I've spent hours searching online and the registry but can't find anything. I'm using the same SMTP server on a handful of other servers and the email name on those show correctly as whatever their machine name is. I tried restarting services and rebooting the entire cluster - no luck.

Any ideas what I could do to fix this?

Here's what the emails look like compared to other servers using the same SMTP

Proof @@SERVERNAME shows SQLFC01


  • I expect this is simply the Display Name or the Description for the database mail account.

    In SSMS

    I expect you will see SQLCLUSTER SQL Server Admin in the Display Name of the SMTP or in the Description of the Account Name. Change it to what ever you want.