I’m working on an ASP.net Razor Page and having a problem with the tag-helper for a select-list. Especialy with the selected-property of the SelectListItem.
I’ve got a list of Operating Systems from my database which one is assigned via a DeviceId to a device.
When I fireup the Page I assume to have the “devicebound” operating system selected. The device id is published via int id by the Parameter of the OnGet-Method.
This is the code to check if the device has an operating system bound. It will return the db-id of the operating system.
var SelectedOperatingSystemId = await _context.LicenseRelationships
.Include(lr => lr.License)
.ThenInclude(l => l.Software)
.Where(lr => lr.DeviceMetaDataId == id)
.Select(x => x.License.Software.Id)
After that I create an IEnumerable with this peace of code:
OpertaingSystemsList = await _context.Softwares
.Where(s => s.IsOperatingSystem == true)
.OrderBy(s => s.Name)
.Select(s => new SelectListItem
Value = s.Id.ToString(),
Text = s.Name,
Selected = s.Id == SelectedOperatingSystemId
So, the option of the select should be selected when db-id equals the one’s of the variable SelectedOperatingSystemId. This is the Debugger’s output which is correct and what I was asuming:
But here is the rendered code of the page. Value 2 should have been selected:
That’s the Html markup:
<div class="form-group">
<label asp-for="OperatingSystemId"></label>
<select asp-for="OperatingSystemId" asp-items="Model.OpertaingSystemsList" class="form-control">
<option value="">Betriebssystem wählen</option>
I’ve no explanation for this behavior. Could it be a bug? Or does anybody see a mistake in my programming? Thanks, Patrick
Oh my god! The solution is easy but documented worst. In Razor Pages the SelectListItem property Selected isn't used anymore.
Look here: LearnRazorPages.com
What you have to do is to assign the selected value to the property you're using for the asp-for
in the Select list.
This is your property:
public int OperatingSystemId { get; set; }
Your Select is consuming this in it's asp-for and this property you have to assign the selected value in my case this is done in the code code behing:
OperatingSystemId = await _context.LicenseRelationships
.Include(lr => lr.License)
.ThenInclude(l => l.Software)
.Where(lr => lr.DeviceMetaDataId == id)
.Select(s => s.License.Software.Id)
Finally the select markup has to look like this:
<label asp-for="OperatingSystemId"></label>
<select asp-for="OperatingSystemId" asp-items="Model.OpertaingSystemsList">
<option value="">Choose Operating System</option>
I hope this will help anybody who got crazy, too