I am trying to implement polygons into react-google-maps plugin but it is not working. It has no errors but also i can not see any polygons at map.
I can see the map at the page, also markers are appearing. But i can not see any polygon right now.
I am sharing my code below here, any help would be really appreciated.
const coords = [
{lat: 29.047487,lng: 41.023164},
{lat: 29.0459633,lng: 41.0212904},
{lat: 29.0449333,lng: 41.0167573},
{lat: 29.0393543,lng: 41.0106695},
{lat: 29.032917,lng: 41.0049697},
{lat: 29.0226173,lng: 41.0061356},
{lat: 29.0078545,lng: 41.0039334},
{lat: 29.0201283,lng: 40.9765933},
{lat: 29.0319729,lng: 40.9657708},
{lat: 29.0784073,lng: 40.9536501},
{lat: 29.0944576,lng: 40.9493068},
{lat: 29.0975475,lng: 40.9514461},
{lat: 29.1052294,lng: 40.9647986},
{lat: 29.097338,lng: 40.978242},
{lat: 29.0931273,lng: 40.9835914},
{lat: 29.0858746,lng: 40.987738},
{lat: 29.056509,lng: 40.998902},
{lat: 29.061456,lng: 41.008443},
{lat: 29.0617561,lng: 41.0104752},
{lat: 29.0595245,lng: 41.0126772},
{lat: 29.052014,lng: 41.018198},
{lat: 29.047487,lng: 41.023164}];
const MyMapComponent = compose(
googleMapURL: "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MY_API_KEY_IS_HERE&v=3.exp&libraries=geometry,drawing,places",
loadingElement : <div style={{height: window.innerHeight - 80}}/>,
containerElement : <div style={{height: window.innerHeight - 80, width: window.innerWidth}}/>,
mapElement : <div style={{height: window.innerHeight - 80}}/>
withGoogleMap)((props) =>
defaultCenter={{lat: 41.015137, lng: 28.979530}}
{props.isMarkerShown && <Marker position={{lat: 41.015137, lng: 28.979530}}/>}
fillColor: "#000",
fillOpacity: 0.4,
strokeColor: "#000",
strokeOpacity: 1,
strokeWeight: 1
onClick={() => {
renderTripMap() {
return <div className="animated fadeIn">
<MyMapComponent isMarkerShown/>
In fact, the polygon is getting displayed, but seems not in the place where you expect it to.
Once lat
and lng
are interchanged
const reversedCoords = coords.map( ll => {
return { lat: ll.lng, lng: ll.lat }
the polygon is getting visible within viewport.