
How to get a list of version numbers for python packages released up until a specific date?

Consider having a python requirements.txt file with a list of (un-versioned) dependencies (python packages). After you install them (e.g. pip install -r requirements.txt) you can call pip freeze and get a (versioned) list of all installed python packages.

This will be a snapshot of the python package versions (and their dependencies) available at the time. What I need to generate is this same list, but for a date in the past (let's say 2018-06-12).

I guess technically, I only need to find the released versions for all packages contained in the requirements.txt file.

Ideally, there would be a command pip install -r requirements.txt --before 2018-06-21 and then just call pip freeze, but I didn't see anything like that in pip install --help. I did see a way to specify another --index-url and I could imagine if there was an archived index from that date, I could point pip to that and it should work?

There is also a --constraint option, which:

Constrain versions using the given constraints file

But I'm guessing I would already have to have the date-constraint versions in that case?


  • Alright, one possible answer (although not a great one) is to just manually go through each dependency in the requirements.txt, look that package up on and then visit the release history (e.g. From there it's easy enough to see which version had been released at what date (e.g. for requests when including 2018-06-12) and then just use that as the version (requests==2.19.0).

    A slightly better answer might be to extract that info (maybe via curl) from pypi programmatically, extract all version info (including the dates), sort it and pick the right one.