
Grafana multivalue float histogram_quantile

Hi I'm forcing problem with histogram_quantile. If I'll set my variable to multi-value so I can repeat panels. Then I got error which says

parse error at char 21: unexpected character: '\'

My request is:

histogram_quantile($percentile, avg((rate(http_server_requests_seconds_bucket{instance=~"$server"}[1m]))) by (le, application))

$Percentile variable is initiated as custom with values as below and multi-value selected

0.9, 0.5, 0.99


  • The histogram_quantile function requires a single floating point number as an input, and the multi-value feature of Grafana will produce something like 0\.9|0\.5|0\.99 which is not a floating point number. You will need to use multiple expressions for this.