
MP4 Video Compressor in java

Can anyone suggest me a good compressor or third party library to compress MP4 video from server side(I am using Spring MVC).

I got to know about FFMPEG and Xuggler, other than this any maintained compressors to use in java.. Please give me suggestions or links to follow.


  • Used FFMPEG wrapper to compress the video. here's the download link:


    here the code:

    ffmpeg = new FFmpeg("D:/ffmpeg-20180429-cae6f80-win32-static/ffmpeg-20180429-cae6f80-win32-static/bin/ffmpeg");
    ffprobe = new FFprobe("D:/ffmpeg-20180429-cae6f80-win32-static/ffmpeg-20180429-cae6f80-win32-static/bin/ffprobe");
    FFmpegBuilder builder = new FFmpegBuilder()
                                     .setInput(input)     // Filename, or a FFmpegProbeResult
                                     .overrideOutputFiles(true) // Override the output if it exists
                                     .addOutput(output)   // Filename for the destination
                                     .setFormat("mp4")       // Format is inferred from filename, or can be set
                                 //  .setTargetSize(250_000) // Aim for a 250KB file
                                     .disableSubtitle()       // No subtiles
                                     .setAudioChannels(1)                   // Mono audio
                                 //  .setAudioChannels(2)
                                     .setAudioCodec("aac")       // using the aac codec
                                     .setAudioSampleRate(48_000) // at 48KHz
                                     .setAudioBitRate(32768)     // at 32 kbit/s
                                 //  .setAudioBitRate(126000)
                                     .setVideoCodec("libx264")     // Video using x264             
                                     .setVideoFrameRate(24, 1)     // at 24 frames per second
                                     .setVideoResolution(1280, 720) // at 640x480 resolution
                            //       .setVideoResolution(1024, 768)
                            //       .setVideoResolution(640, 480)
                                     .setStrict(FFmpegBuilder.Strict.EXPERIMENTAL) // Allow FFmpeg to use experimental specs
         FFmpegExecutor executor = new FFmpegExecutor(ffmpeg, ffprobe);         
         executor.createJob(builder).run(); // Run a one-pass encode