I use below code for getting system permission...what happening even if permission is allowed; still it's showing..
protected void onResume() {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23 && !Settings.System.canWrite(ChooseSender_Receiver.this)){
Intent intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_MANAGE_WRITE_SETTINGS);
intent.setData(Uri.parse("package:" + ChooseSender_Receiver.this.getPackageName()));
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_WRITE_SETTINGS);
Note: My problem is even if permission is already allows still it's showing popup..when deny and allows the permission dialog is dismissing.
My device is Moto e2 & Redmi mbls version M
Finally there is no solution for this
Its based on device hardware issues..i check share it application even it's asking two time permission.