I trying to manage my streams on spring cloud data flow with skipper server.
I followed the instruction here:
The app registration and stream definition/deployment goes quite well, but after I undeploy the deployed stream, I can't see any stream on the dashboard any more. The dashboard shows an error instead:
Could not parse Skipper Platform Status JSON:null
I have to restart the scdf server and skipper server in order to see my stream definition again. The version of the components are:
Some operation details:
How should I solve this problem?
We have recently observed this on our side, too, and it has been fixed! [see spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow#2361]
We are preparing for a 1.6.1 GA release, but in the meantime, please feel free to pull the 1.6.1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT from Spring repo and give it a go.
If you see any other anomaly, it'd be great to have a bug report on the matter.