I want to put keywords and comments in my source file.
the keywords documentation for gettext says: if keywordspec is of the form ‘id:argnum...,"xcomment"’, xgettext, when extracting a message from the specified argument strings, adds an extracted comment xcomment to the message.
I couldn't find any samples to help me with this.
This is my X-Pedit-KeywordsList header,
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_ex;\n"
And this is a sample line in my php source code:
_ex("unlock_level", "Available at level #.")
I expect the output to be:
# "Available at level #."
msgid "unlock_level"
How should I edit my keywordslist header (and/or the source)?
Poedit supports translator comments. I ended up adding localization keys to my source file like this:
// TRANSLATORS: "Available at level #."
And this is what I get in my po file by pressing the update button in Poedit:
#. TRANSLATORS: "Available at level #."
msgid "unlock_level"