
Contactless Payments: Detect Mobile Device or Card

I'm trying to detect whether a contactless enabled smartcard or a mobile device equipped with ApplePay, Google Pay, or Samsung Pay was used for a contactless EMV transaction.

I have been researching via the EMV books, and there seems to be a tag 9F6E provides this sort of data:

EMV Book 3 - VISA enter image description here

EMV Book 4 - MasterCard enter image description here


  1. VISA provides a 4 byte value in the field 9F6E, but I can't find a list of possible values and their meanings anywhere. The EMV book says "out of scope". Is there anyway to reliably convert this to a known form factor?
  2. MasterCard provides data 2 bytes for the form factor, but I'm seeing values that I don't undestand (32 31 ascii = 21). Is there a list of values and meanings somewhere for these?
  3. Is there an easy way to understand if CDCVM has been used for a given contactless transaction, so that I could separate contactless transactions from contactless with CDCVM transactions?


  • Refer the below documents. You will require Visa Online and MasterCard connect access to get these.

    1. VCPS_2.2 Spec

    2. M/ChipRequirements For Contact and Contactless Spec

    3. check in CVM and CVR inside 9F10