Goal is to copy straight into my blob container named "$web".
Problem is, dollar signs seem to break AzCopy's location parsing...
AzCopy.exe /Source:"C:\temp\" /Dest:"https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/$web" /DestKey:"..." /SetContentType /V
Invalid location 'https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/$web', address could not be parsed.
I don't get to choose the container name. Escaping the $, aka
didn't work.
How can I workaround this? Insights appreciated. Thanks!
To future readers who may be tempted to use pre-baked VSTS tasks like File Copy (which uses AzCopy under the hood), I recommend considering the Azure CLI task instead, e.g.
az storage blob upload-batch --account-name myAccountName --source mySource -d $web
My client wasn't willing to wait for a schedule they didn't control so switching to the CLI path moved our dependency one level upstream & removed having to wait on the VSTS release cadence (looks like ~6 weeks this time).
Thanks Jerry for posting back, kudos! In my VSTS I see File Copy v2.0 Preview seems to be available and ostensibly fixes this issue. Static website hosting direct from Azure storage is a nice feature and I'm happy Azure offers it.
(I hope in the future MS may be able to improve cross-org communication so savvy users keen to checkout new feature releases can have a more consistent experience across all the public-facing surface area.)