I want to use databricks cli:
databricks clusters list
but this requires a manual step that requires interactive work with the user:
databricks configure --token
Is there a way to use databricks cli without manual intervention so that you can run it as part of a ci/cd pipeline?
The following bash script, configured the databricks cli automatically:
echo "configuring databrick-cli authentication"
declare DATABRICKS_URL="https://westeurope.azuredatabricks.net"
declare DATABRICKS_ACCESS_TOKEN="authentication_token_generated_from_databricks_ux"
declare dbconfig=$(<~/.databrickscfg)
if [[ $dbconfig = *"host = "* && $dbconfig = *"token = "* ]]; then
echo "file [~/.databrickscfg] is already configured"
if [[ -z "$DATABRICKS_URL" || -z "$DATABRICKS_ACCESS_TOKEN" ]]; then
echo "file [~/.databrickscfg] is not configured, but [DATABRICKS_URL],[DATABRICKS_ACCESS_TOKEN] env vars are not set"
echo "populating [~/.databrickscfg]"
> ~/.databrickscfg
echo "[DEFAULT]" >> ~/.databrickscfg
echo "host = $DATABRICKS_URL" >> ~/.databrickscfg
echo "token = $DATABRICKS_ACCESS_TOKEN" >> ~/.databrickscfg
echo "" >> ~/.databrickscfg