Vegas("A scatterplot").
encodeX("s", Quantitative).
encodeY("d", Quantitative).
encodeColor(field="feature_0_prediction",scale=Scale(rangeNominals=List("#c41f01", "#00c610"))).
Is there away to plot each point with a specifiy RGB or aRGB value? I have the colors already computed, so I do not need to use ranges, also the color range is not linear for my data.
I'm not certain how this maps onto the Vegas syntax, but in Vega-Lite you can do this by passing color codes as data, and setting the color scale to null
. For example:
"data": {
"values": [
{"s": 1, "d": 1, "color": "#c41f01"},
{"s": 3, "d": 3, "color": "#00c610"}
"mark": {"type": "circle", "size": 200},
"encoding": {
"color": {"type": "nominal", "field": "color", "scale": null},
"x": {"type": "quantitative", "field": "s"},
"y": {"type": "quantitative", "field": "d"}
"$schema": ""