
Does Jekyll suffer anywhere from the 50-item for-loop maximum declared by Shopify's Liquid specification?

The Shopify Liquid docs for the {% for %} loop tag declare that:

for loops can output a maximum of 50 results per page. In cases where there are more than 50 results, use the paginate tag to split them across multiple pages.

This question confirms that, as of four years ago, the 50-item limit was active in Shopify.

However, if I scratch together a Jekyll post with the content as:

.{% for var in (1..100) %} {{ var }} .{% endfor %}

it renders in the build as I would expect, including all integers from one to one hundred:

Screencap of rendered output

So, clearly at least some for loops in Jekyll aren't bound by this 50-item limit.

Is Jekyll completely free of this constraint? Or, are there some situations where for loops will unexpectedly get truncated at 50 items?


  • No, Jekyll does not have this kind of limit.