please help, I have spent a whole morning trying to figure this out and have failed miserably.
I am trying to update an old swf file into a new html canvas.
So far I have updated everything including loading my desired movieclip Image_1 onto the stage into var "fl_MyInstance" this is loaded through button_1 via the following code..
this.button_1.addEventListener("click", fl_MouseClickHandler.bind(this));
function fl_MouseClickHandler()
var fl_MyInstance = new lib.Image_1();
fl_MyInstance.x = 364.70;
fl_MyInstance.y = 199.30;
When this movieclip is on stage it has a button within that is labelled close1 and I have tried many many codes to try and close it.... but it just isn't working.
The latest code I tried is..
this.close1.addEventListener("click", fl_MouseClickHandler.bind(this));
function fl_MouseClickHandler()
stage.removeChild( fl_MyInstance );
Please help, I arrived at this as I know it perhaps needs to target a parent or reference the stage or root or something, but everything tried does nothing. I don't even mind clearing all children if necessary.
Hopefully somebody can help.
Your problem here is to do with scope. Try the following in a new file. Draw two movieclips on the stage and name them buttonAdd and buttonRemove. In your library have a movie clip named Rectangle. Now add the following code:
var that = this;
this.buttonAdd.addEventListener("click", addFromLibrary);
this.buttonRemove.addEventListener("click", removeClip);
function addFromLibrary(e)
window.myRectangle = stage.addChild(new lib.Rectangle());
function removeClip(e){
This should work but there are probably more elegant ways of achieving this.