
CompanyMask - GroupMask to sharing data between companies ACUMATICA

I'm researching for sharing data from Parent Company to another child company and has read 2 blog below but I don't know that how It's work and how can I implement it.

This is the link of blog:

Company Mask

Group Mask

What I'm expecting is share data about Inventory or User or anything else to another company because I just want to use 1 product for all company.

Is there any ideas to use Company mask and Group mask to share data to another company?

Thanks for reading and thanks for your help!


  • For sharing data between tenants (companies), CompanyMask is the field. GroupMask is for restriction groups and is to do with row level permission within a tenant. There is an old but very effective blog post here: that talks about it in great detail that should get you what you want.