
Droppable event occasionally not working

For drag and drop functionality I am using jquery-1.12.4.js and jquery-ui.js. When I am using the droppable function of this it is some times working and some times not. This is my javascript code:

$(function() {
    connectWith: ".connectedSortable"

$(document).ready(function() {
    drop: function(event, ui) {
      console.log("event--", event);

Here is my full code:


  • The stated problem boils down to the fact that this listener:

      drop: function(event, ui) {
        console.log("event--", event);

    Does not fire consistently (as shown in the posted by OP video).

    My thinking is that this is due to the droppable area fluctuating in size. What I did just to test/demonstrate my theory was to make that area height 100% and with that I was not able to see a miss-fire of the droppable listener.

    Here is the jsFiddle

    Note the changes:

    1. Added some CSS to make the body/html/table height 100% in order to have unlimited horizontal drop area.
    2. Added a class to the table called tableContainer.

    Please correct me if I am wrong on my assumptions.