
Firebird ISC 335544334 - Conversion error from string "2002-07-07 22:00:00.000"

I am currently working on a project which allows you to import data from an Excel file. I use the Programm RazorSQL. But every time I start the import, the

ISC error code 335544334 occures ->

An error occurred: java.sql.SQLException: conversion error from 
string "2002-07-07 22:00:00.000" [SQLState:22018, ISC error 

Does Firebird use some special Date formats? I really need an answer, it's very important. This problem keeps me waiting to continue with my work...


  • The error message indicates that Firebird tried to convert the string value 2002-07-07 22:00:00.000 to a datatype other than CHAR/VARCHAR and did not succeed because the string value is invalid for the target datatype. The format as shown will correctly convert to a TIMESTAMP, which means that you are assigning this either to the wrong column, or the column has the wrong type. For example, a DATE has no time component in dialect 3, so converting a string with a time component will fail with this error, as will converting to a numerical column (INTEGER, BIGINT, etc).

    Without more information about the columns involved and the exact method of import, it is not possible to provide a more specific answer.