
Using a custom label inside a string throws "Field Integrity Exception"

I want to use a custom label inside a list that I then bind to a multi picklist.

   <aura:attribute name="genderOptions" type="List"
                         {'label': {!$Label.c.DM_Gender_Male},'Value': 
                         {'label': {!$Label.c.DM_Gender_Female}, 'value': 

When I try to save the component, then I get the following exception (FIELD INTEGRITY EXCEPTION) Failed to save DMSegmentation.cmp: Cannot mix expression and literal string in attribute value, try rewriting like {!'foo' +}: Source

Can someone help me to resolve this ?


  • Actually it is possible to create this inside the component. The two things you were missing are:

    1. Quotes " need to be represented as XML escape entities.

    2. Open and closing braces { } need to be represented as custom labels.

    The component:

    <aura:component >
         default="{! ' [ ' 
                   + $Label.c.LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET 
                           + '&quot;' + 'label'                   + '&quot;' 
                   + ' : ' + '&quot;' + $Label.c.DM_Gender_Male   + '&quot;' 
                   + ' , ' + '&quot;' + 'value'                   + '&quot;'
                   + ' : ' + '&quot;' + 'Male'                    + '&quot;'
                   + $Label.c.RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET 
                   + ' , ' 
                   + $Label.c.LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET 
                           + '&quot;' + 'label'                   + '&quot;' 
                   + ' : ' + '&quot;' + $Label.c.DM_Gender_Female + '&quot;' 
                   + ' , ' + '&quot;' + 'value'                   + '&quot;'
                   + ' : ' + '&quot;' + 'Female'                  + '&quot;'
                   + $Label.c.RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET 
                   + ' ] '
        <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}" />

    The custom labels:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <CustomLabels xmlns="">
            <shortDescription>LEFT CURLY BRACKET</shortDescription>
            <shortDescription>RIGHT CURLY BRACKET</shortDescription>

    A client-side controller to get the value of the attribute and log it in the console:

        doInit : 
        function( component , event , helper ){
            var list = component.get("v.genderOptions")
            console.log( list )
            console.log( JSON.parse( list ) ) 
    ,   f :

    The logged result:

    enter image description here