Here is some idea of my code.It executes successfully. I am just not able to use close button the moment it starts executing read statement.!
inside main():
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow mainWindow;;
return app.exec();
this is my constructor: one main window and a button that calls execute when clicked
inside MainWindow.cpp:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent): QMainWindow(parent) //this creates a window that has a download button
setWindowTitle("File Downloader");
QWidget* central = new QWidget(this);
QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout(central);
button1 = new QPushButton("Download", this);
connect(button1, SIGNAL (clicked()),this,SLOT( execute()));
manager = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
this function sets up connection with php file and then calls sendFinished
void MainWindow::execute() //PHP file link here
QUrl url"/patofmyphp");
reply = manager->post(request, data); //data is some string
connect(reply, SIGNAL (finished()),this,SLOT( sendFinished()));
this function reads data from php file in chunks
void MainWindow::sendFinished() //this gets called successfully
while(copied < size) //copied = 0, size = 10000;
const QByteArray data = reply->read(tocopy);
copied += data.size();
Whole program is running successfully. But when I want to abort my reply using closebutton of QMainWindow before program gets executed successfully. But the moment it reply->read
gets executed, it seems close button stops working. What should I do?
Looks like I solved my issue just by using this line inside my while loop.
QApplication::processEvents(); if(close == true) { closeProgram(); }