I can't really understand the concept of this. Take a look what I have:
public ModelAndView login( @ModelAttribute UserLoginDTO userDto, HttpSession session) {
if (authenticateService.loginCheck(userDto.getUsername(), userDto.getPassword())) {
return new ModelAndView("redirect:/profile");
} else {
return new ModelAndView("signin","error","Invalid username or password combination, or the user does not exist.");
I have set a sessionID to the session. When the user navigates around the website, how do I know that it is the same user?
Do I have to store the sessionID on server side in a ConcurrentHashMap? And when there is a page switch I should do this?
if (conHashMap[...] == session.getId()) {...}
else //redirect to login page
Also on logout, do I just remove the element from the hashmap and call for session.invalidate()?
Or is there a way of doing this without using hashmaps at all?
Figured it out.
After invalidating, the browser will visit the site with a new session. The new session won't have the "sessionid" attribute bound to it. This way, I could determine which session is a valid one, without using hashmaps.
if (session.getAttribute("sessionid")==null){
return new ModelAndView("signin","error","Session expired, please log in again.");