
Self-contained React Native app possible?

I built a react-native app for Windows ( The app runs fine on my development machine, but if I copy the EXE (and DLL dependencies) to another machine and run, I get the error message

Unable to Download the JS bundle. Did you forget to start the development server or connect your device?

Is there a way to build a self-contained app that does not depend on a "development server"?


  • React Native Windows Environment Setup (with Typescript)

    1. Download and Install Visual Studio 2017 Download Link
    2. Download and Install Visual Studio Code Download Link
    3. Download and Install NodeJS Download Link
    4. Install React Native CLI

      npm i -g react-native-cli

    5. Install TypeScript

      npm i -g typescript

    6. Create your project

      react-native init --version="0.55.0-rc.0" MyApp --template typescript && node MyApp/setup.js

    7. Change project directory MyApp

      cd MyApp

    8. Install the React Native Windows CLI Plugin

      npm i --save-dev rnpm-plugin-windows

    9. Run the Windows initialization command

      react-native windows --windowsVersion 0.55.0-rc.0

    10. Open project MyApp.sln file in Visual Studio

    11. Follow the prompts to install the Windows 10 SDK v. 10.0.14393.0

    12. If prompted, select Developer Mode in the Settings window under "Use developer features" and approve the Certificate Installation request. Enable "Developer mode" to allow the custom application to run

    13. Install windows build tools (run in Windows Power Shell)

      npm i -g --production windows-build-tools

    14. Run your application

      react-native run-windows

    15. Prompt Windows PowerShell Installing Certificate: Enter Y to install

    16. Prompt window: Allow Access to windows firewall