The latest MoPub SDK (5.3) I guess updated the version of ExoPlayer. My app also uses ExoPlayer. I'm getting now the warning below when generating the signed apk. If I add a dontwarn
to proguard then my code fails because it can't find those fields at runtime.
I have this on my proguard and this has been working for a long while, it only started failing after updating MoPub today.
-keep class** { *; }
-keep interface**{ *; }
-keepclassmembers class** { *; }
This is the error:
Warning: MyClass: can't find referenced field 'int mediaSequence' in program class
Warning: MyClass: can't find referenced field 'boolean isEncrypted' in program class$Segment
Warning: MyClass: can't find referenced field 'java.lang.String encryptionKeyUri' in program class$Segment
What can I do to get around this error?
UPDATE: The field are defined like this:
public final int mediaSequence;
public final boolean isEncrypted;
public final String encryptionKeyUri;
Turns out I was compiling an old version of ExoPlayer and MoPub somehow was including a new one but only for a small part of it, the HLS part. This appears to have caused the issue because once I started compiling the new one on my own code everything started working again. It was very strange as the new version even made me change the code a bit so I have no idea how it was even compiling before.