I have an issue with PDT.
after payment, when the page returns to the merchant, from paypal, I do the request with the pdt token to get the info on the transaction.
Normally I get these parameters from paypal, in the case of a recurring sale:
[transaction_subject] => paypal product
[payment_date] => 19:53:02 Jul 12, 2018 PDT
[txn_type] => subscr_payment
[subscr_id] => I-XXXXXX
[last_name] => test
[residence_country] => CO
[item_name] => paypal product
[payment_gross] => 25.00
[mc_currency] => USD
[business] => vendor_email
[payment_type] => instant
[protection_eligibility] => Ineligible
[payer_status] => unverified
[payer_email] => buyer_email
[txn_id] => XXXXXXXXXXX
[receiver_email] => vendor_email
[first_name] => test
[payer_id] => XXXXXXXX
[receiver_id] => XXXXXXXX
[contact_phone] => 55555555
[item_number] => 1234
[payment_status] => Completed
[payment_fee] => 1.64
[mc_fee] => 1.64
[mc_gross] => 25.00
[custom] => 4321
[charset] => windows-1252
[] =>
but in some of the transactions the response from paypal lacks these 4 items:
subscr_id item_name item_number custom
Any idea why they are missing? the purchases are identical, the only thing different is the buyer.
in the end, paypal guys said it is a bug from their end. They are trying to fix it in a not foreseeable future :)
It was fixed in the meantime