I am trying to debug and play with hubot from the hubot console.
Hubot scripts react to messages written in the hubot console.
So if I have a script like this:
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /hi/, (msg) ->
msg.send "hi guy"
And within my hubot console I write "hubot hi", then hubot will repond like so:
$hubot> hubot hi
$hubot> hi guy
My question is how can I do the same with events (robot.on
As in if I have code like this:
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.on "github-repo-event", (event) ->
console.log "grrrr, I'm triggered"
Then how would I trigger this event from the hubot console?
Is there something like this ....?
$hubot> hubot trigger-event:github-repo-event
The easiest thing I found I can do is add a script that emits the event I want.
So add something like this:
# debug-script.coffee
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /debug-github-repo-event/, (msg) ->
robot.emit 'github-repo-event', eventData
Then from the console you can achieve this
$hubot> hubot debug-github-repo-event
$hubot> grrrr, I'm triggered
I don't like this but it works.
I didn't want to create an adapter that adds events to the shell adapter.