I have 'courses' table in my database and JSON 'slug' column in it. For example:
| Slug |
| {"az": "slug-in-azerbaijani", "ru": "slug-in-russian"|
| {"az": "another-slug-az", "ru": "another-slug-in-rus"|
Now, when I go into course details, I get course details by slug. Here is the controller:
public function detailed($slug) {
$locale = app()->getLocale();
$course = Course::where(\DB::raw( "json_extract(slug, '$." . $locale . "')" ), $slug)->firstOrFail();$popularCourses = Course::inRandomOrder()->limit(3)->get();
if(!$course) {
return abort(404);
$data = array(
'course' => $course,
'instructor' => $course->instructor
// Fetch detailed information about instructor and courses that belongs to him
return view('courses.detailed')->with($data);
However, there is one problem. If I am inside course details and the URL is:
then I change the website language to another language, it does not translate the slug. The URL becomes
and it throws 404 page. However, it must be
How can I solve this problem? Here is the route.php:
'prefix' => LaravelLocalization::setLocale(),
'middleware' => [ 'localeSessionRedirect', 'localizationRedirect', 'localeViewPath' ]
Route::get('/courses', 'CoursesController@index');
Route::get('/courses/{slug}', 'CoursesController@detailed');
Route::get('/courses/category/{slug}', 'CoursesController@getCoursesByCategory');
Actually, I solved the issue. The logic is: When I am inside a detailed course (blog or smth), I get the id of the article. After that when I change the language of the page, I redirect to course/id, not course/slug, and after that I redirect to course/slug. Here is part of my code:
public function routeById($type, $id) {
if ($type == 'course') {
$item = Course::find($id);
$routeName = 'single_course';
} else {
$item = Category::find($id);
$routeName = 'courses_by_category';
if (!$item) {
return abort(404);
return redirect()->route($routeName, $item->slug);