
Dynamically create instances of Exported classes via webpack

I have an component based system where components are es6 classes exported via webpack.

export default ClassName {}

import ClassName from "classname.js"

This all works and i automated this.

Now for the next part i need to automatically create an instance of this imported class like this: (pseudocode)

//components is an array of strings with all the classnames.
for(var c in components) {
    eval("new "+c+"()");

I cannot do this because c as in "ClassName" is not defined. When i lookup the compiled js by webpack i see it imported my class as _ClassName. So i tried to prepend a _ but still mo result.

Has anyone experience with auto instanciating classes with webpack?


  • The above comments solved the issue.

    For anyone who is interested, this is the auto generated file now:

    /* this file is auto-generated.  DO NOT MODIFY*/
    import BreakpointTool from '../../Components/BreakpointTool/scripts/BreakpointTool.js';
    import ComponentA from '../../Components/componentA/scripts/componentA.js';
    import FoundationMenu from '../../Components/FoundationMenu/scripts/FoundationMenu.js';
    import Slider from '../../Components/Slider/scripts/Slider.js';
    var componentIncludes = [
    var componentsList = [
    var components;
    function getComponentObjectByName(name) {
        var index = componentsList.indexOf(name);
        if (index == -1) {
            return null;
        return componentIncludes[index];
    $(function () {
        components = new Map();
        for (var c of componentsList) {
            var $component = $("." + c);
            if ($component.length > 0) {
                $component.each(function (i, elm) {
                    var componentName = this;
                    var componentId = componentName + "_" + i;
                    var componentObject = getComponentObjectByName(componentName);
                    var component = new componentObject(elm, componentId);
                    components.set(componentId, component);