
SAP NWDS 7.5 on other OS than Windows 10

SAP NWDS (NetWeaver Developer Studio) is only supported on Windows 10 and only on a SAP JVM -- see also SAP Note 2546316

as NWDS is actually eclipse neon with some additional SAP plugins, I wondered why.

My requirement is to run it on a Windows Server 2008 R2, and soon I may need to run NWDS on a recent Mac Book Pro.

Current Behaviour

Apparently the NWDS is checking somewhere for the OS flavor and the JVM manufacturer.

What I achieved so far


  1. Well, how to get NWDS 7.5 to run on Win Server (and later, on a Mac)

  2. Partial achievement would be to get Eclipse to spit out more information on WHY/WHICH plugins didn't get loaded --- found no information (maybe I'm too dumb for that)

UPDATE 20.08.2018

Answering question 2: Eclipse Runtime Options => options eclipse.log.* and found the logs in the configuration subfolder of installation folder.

=> error is definitely not being able to load the native part of the JCo Plugin:

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: [463]

Unresolved requirement: Require-Capability: osgi.native; native.paths:List="sapjco3.dll"; filter:="(&(osgi.native.osname~=win32)(osgi.native.processor~=x86_64))"


  • Well,

    the answer (at least in resp. to Win Server 2008 R2) is

    The answer to the partial (logging) question is already in an update in the original question, but nevertheless:

    Eclipse Runtime Options => Use options eclipse.log.* and find the logs in the configuration subfolder of installation folder.