Imagine the following GraphQL request:
filter: [{field: TITLE, contains: "Potter"}],
orderBy: [{sort: PRICE, direction: DESC}, {sort: TITLE}]
The result will return a connection with the Relay cursor information.
Should the cursor contain the filter
and orderBy
Meaning querying the next set of data would only mean:
books(first:10, after:"opaque-cursor")
Or should the filter
and orderBy
be repeated?
In the latter case the user can specify different filter
and/or orderBy
details which would make the opaque cursor invalid.
I can't find anything in the Relay spec about this.
I've seen this done multiple ways, but I've found that with cursor-based pagination, your cursor exists only within your dataset, and to change the filters would change the dataset, making it invalid.
If you're using SQL (or something without cursor-based-pagination), then, you would need to include enough information in your cursor to be able to recover it. Your cursor would need to include all of your filter / order information, and you would need to disallow any additional filtering.
You'd have to throw an error if they sent "after" along with "filter / orderBy". You could, optionally, check to see if the arguments are the same as the ones in your cursor, in case of user error, but there simply is no use-case to get "page 2" of a DIFFERENT set of data.