How can I query all tables' all table columns in a database?
Method I've tried:
select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public'
method of Postgres. I have 19 tables in a DB, and my method results in 19 times slower querying time. And further more, it does not return what I want. All of the tables have two columns, one of them always being a column name called time
. Using the UNION
method does not return 19 time
strings. It just returns one time
string, and 19 other column names. But I want something like this:
[('table_1', ['time', 'col']), ('table_2', ['time', 'col']), ('table_3', ['time', 'col])...]
Is there any elegant way of doing this?
You can do this in a single query by using array_agg()
and a join on the information_schema.tables
and information_schema.columns
This would return something similar to your expected output:
array_agg(c.column_name::text) as columns
information_schema.tables t
inner join information_schema.columns c on
t.table_name = c.table_name
t.table_schema = 'public'
and t.table_type= 'BASE TABLE'
and c.table_schema = 'public'
group by t.table_name;
Here I'm taking all the tables first, then I join it with the columns tables, and finally use array_agg()
to aggregate them all to an array, grouped by the table name.
Hope it helps :) Feel free to ask if you have any doubts.