
sh.exe is preventing windows cmd move command from working

I am running an old application called ACSLX. It is trying to call a DOS move command, but because sh.exe is in my path, I am getting an error. sh.exe is part of Git and also RTools, both of which I have installed. As you can see it is simply trying to move a file, but this is failing. How can I prevent this? This is the console output of ACSLX when I try to build the "Spring" example project.

##### Build starting...

Current System Time 15:05:02
"C:\acslX\atrans.exe" -lic_path "C:\acslX\license.lic;C:\acslX\*.lic" -no_xsl -no_compile -no_link "C:\acslX\Examples\MODELD~1\SPRING~1\SPRING~2\spring.csl"
ACSL Translator
Copyright 2002-2015, AEgis Technologies Group, Inc.
All rights reserved.
The license path is now: C:\acslX\license.lic;C:\acslX\*.lic
INFO: TRANSLATOR: Starting Translation...
INFO: ANALYZER: Sorting sections using DFS algorithm.
INFO: ANALYZER: Sorting performed in 0.001000 seconds.
INFO:  Translator completed successfully 

move "C:\acslX\Examples\MODELD~1\SPRING~1\SPRING~2\spring.xml" ".\spring.ail"
/Rtools/bin/sh: move: command not found
C:\acslX\mingw32\bin\make.exe: *** [spring.ail] Error 127
##### Build failed.


  • Another option is to have a little .bat ready to set your PATH whenever you need it:

    Call it senv.bat, and put it in your current %PATH%

    In it:

    set PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
    set PATH=C:\acslX;%PATH%
    ... other PATHs you might need

    Simply don't add GitHub path or R path in it to avoid any conflict.

    In any CMD where you need to do an ACSLX session, type 'senv': that session will have a simplified PATH with only what you need.
    No need to rename anything.

    Outside of that session, your usual current PATH remains unchanged.

    The OP adds:

    , I am not working in the command line, I am working in the ACSLX GUI, I don't think I can modify the scripts it is running in the background.

    To which I replied: the ACSLX GUI be launched with the proper PATH.
    That is what the OP's answer implements.