I am new to study graph databases (using Neo4j), I am modelling for my project. The business rule is that we need to store the users and devices they used, and this is my current model:
Account A uses device D: (Account A) -[USED]-> (Device D)
Account B also uses device D: (Account B) -[USED]-> (Device D)
(Account A) -[USED]-> (Device D) <-[USED]- (Account B)
In future, account B will use other devices & be related with other accounts.
My questions are:
Is it a good model in this case?
With this model, how to find all associated account with account A?
Thank for you help.
Yes, this model works, as :Account and :Device nodes are distinct in the graph.
As for figuring out what other accounts that are associated with :Account a (only considering the link via using the same device), simple queries should do the trick. Assuming we have :Account(name) in the graph, and that there's an index on this (for fast lookup of :Account nodes by name), we could use this:
MATCH (:Account {name:'A'})-[:USED]->()<-[:USED]-(other:Account)
If :USED relationships always are incoming to :Device nodes, we could simplify this to:
MATCH (:Account {name:'A'})-[:USED*2]-(other:Account)
If we also needed the devices used in common between the two connected account nodes, we could include that as a collection of the nodes between the two linked accounts:
MATCH (:Account {name:'A'})-[:USED]->(device)<-[:USED]-(other:Account)
RETURN other, collect(device) as sharedDevices