
Controller returning inputstream - content negotiation and media types


I have a question about a RestController and a Test .

I have the following PostMapping:

@PostMapping(path = "/download/as/zip/{zipFileName}" )
    public ResponseEntity<InputStreamResource> downloadDocumentZip(@RequestHeader(required=false,name="X-Application") String appName, @RequestBody ZipFileModel zipFileModel, @PathVariable("zipFileName") String zipFileName)

And I have the following Test:

Response response = given(this.requestSpecification).port(port)
                        requestHeaders(headerWithName("X-Application").description("Owner application")),
                        pathParameters(parameterWithName("zipFileName").description("The name of the resulting zip file. Mostly not needed/optional.")))
                .header(new Header(HEADER, "themis"))
                .post("/download/as/zip/{zipFileName}", "resultFile.zip");

This works and 200 is returned.

First Question

Now I am a bit confused about the meaning of .contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE) within the Test.

Content-type is the header on the returned response. But in this test it is being included while making the test request ? Or is it signifying in this case that we are sending JSON in the request body?

Second Question

I know that my controller method should consume JSON, and returns Bytes. So hence, I make the following change:

@PostMapping(path = "/download/as/zip/{zipFileName}", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)

This works so far.

So then I add the following:

@PostMapping(path = "/download/as/zip/{zipFileName}", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, 

And it fails:

Expected :200
Actual   :406
 <Click to see difference>

So I changed my test to be the following:


This fails once again.

Expected :200
Actual   :406

So even though the client is signalling the same accept header as what the controller produces, we have an error.


  1. So should we or should we not have the produces= on the request mapping?
  2. Why is it failing now? Is there a conflict in consuming JSON and Producing Bytes? Or the ContentType within the test?


  • The problem is that spring changes the return content-type if the end of a URL has an extension.

    So seeing .zip at the end, was causing spring to over-ride the type to application/zip .