I'm evaluating the differences between the purePDF and alivePDF libraries in flex, and I'm setting up some IO code so that I can save documents from either from a web based flex application.
AlivePDF gives a very convenient save() function that sends the data to a web service, which can simply bounce it back using Content-Disposition: Attatchment, but PurePDF has no such feature. How can I send the PDF data from purePDF to a webservice in a similar way?
The trick is to create a byte array before creating the PdfWriter, pass that into the writer when you create it, and read the document off of the writer.
var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray()
var writer:PdfWriter = PdfWriter.create(bytes, PageSize.A10);
var printPage:PdfDocument = writer.pdfDocument;
var rect:RectangleElement = new RectangleElement(1, 10, 10, 1);
rect.backgroundColor = new RGBColor(255, 0, 0);
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://someserver.com/someservice");
urlRequest.method = "POST";
urlRequest.data = bytes;