I have a coremlmodel taking an input of shape MultiArray (Float32 67 x 256 x 320)
I am having a hard time to shape the input to this model.
Currently, I am trying to achieve it like so,
var m = try! MLMultiArray(shape: [67,256,320], dataType: .double)
for i in 0...66{
var cost = rand((256,320)) // this is coming from swix [SWIX]
memcpy(m.dataPointer+i*256*320, &cur_cost.flat.grid , 256*320)
I will have to replace the rand with matrices of that size later. I am using this for testing purposes first.
Any pointers on how to mould input to fit the volume would be greatly appreciated..
What seems to be wrong in your code is that you're copying bytes instead of doubles. A double is 8 bytes, so your offset should be i*256*320*MemoryLayout<Double>.stride
and the amount you're copying should be 256*320*MemoryLayout<Double>.stride
Note that you can also use the MLMultiArray's strides
property to compute the offset for a given data element in the array:
let offset = i0 * strides[0].intValue + i1 * strides[1].intValue + i2 * strides[2].intValue