
AWS Route53 NS Change

I have a very weird issue, I have a domain hosted on AWS Route53 davi.codes I changed the NameServers to point to the WordPress NameServers over a week ago but here is the weird thing, when I check on the records on ICCAN Who Is I get that the NameServers are still the AWS ones but when I check on Route53 I see the WordPress NameServer.

Anyone have any idea of what I can do to troubleshoot this issue?


  • The configuration for each of your domains now has the names of the name servers for the hosted zone that you deleted. To update name servers, you need to:

    1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Route 53 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/route53/.
    2. Get the names of the name servers for the applicable hosted zone.
    3. In the navigation pane, choose Registered Domains.
    4. Choose the name of the domain that you want to change name servers for.
    5. Choose Add/Edit Name Servers.
    6. Change the names of the name servers to the name servers that you got in step 2, and save your changes.

    Source: HERE