In the mongocxx API, Collection.aggregate() expects a pipeline object in order to run an aggregate pipeline query. This means constructing the query by using the Pipeline class. Such as:
mongocxx::pipeline p{};
p.match(make_document(kvp("items.fruit", "banana")));
p.sort(make_document(kvp("date", 1)));
auto cursor = db["sales"].aggregate(p, mongocxx::options::aggregate{});
Is there a way to run an aggregate pipeline query in mongocxx by passing in a string? I'm not looking to construct the query using a mongocxx object, but running the query as a string.
For example:
db["sales"].aggregate("[{"$match": { ... }}"]
where "[{"$match": { ... }}" is a pipeline aggregate query of type std::string.
Yes you can use run_command of mongocxx::database
bsoncxx::builder::basic::document command_document{};
"function(username) {"
"return db.users.findOne( { username : username } );"
command_document.append(kvp("args", [&](sub_array child) {
auto doc = db.run_command({command_document});
This is a simple example of using string function with arguments to run on Mongodb by mongocxx now you can use it for any command that you want. Is this that you need ?