
wmic uninstall using batch file

I am writing a Batch File to uninstall McAfee Endpoint Security Web Control with cmd. I am utilizing WMIC to do this. When I run the script, it stops immediately after the wMIC command is run. When run it manually everything works fine in cmd

wmic product where name=”McAfee Endpoint Security Web Control” call uninstall /nointeractive

My Script

@Echo Off
Title McAfee Endpoint Security Web Control
Echo Remove McAfee Endpoint Security Web Control
WMIC product where name=”McAfee Endpoint Security Web Control” call uninstall /nointeractive` 

This gives an error

Endpoint - Invalid alias verb

Please suggest correction.


  • Please copy and paste, and give this a go as is.

    @echo Off
    title "McAfee Endpoint Security Web Control"
    echo Removing McAfee Endpoint Security Web Control
    WMIC product where name="McAfee Endpoint Security Web Control" call uninstall /nointeractive