
Installing Python 2.5 on Mac 10.6, for GAE/Django-nonrel (and i'm a new mac user)

My big problem here is that I'm 1 day into learning MacOSX so the basics need to be explained to me like I'm a 4 yr old.

I'm running OS 10.6, Snow Leopard, which comes with Python 2.6.

The real problem is getting Aptana 2.0 to debug Google App Engine SDK, which I require PIL for image transforming, which requires python 2.5, with the app using the Django-nonrel framework (I realize I didn't make this easy on myself).

I'm already familiar with Python, Google App Engine and Django-nonrel, but getting this setup on a Mac I'm lost.

1) How do I install a 2.5 and not screw up my already install 2.6?
2) How do I change the python path?

Info on how to install PIL on a mac

Mac PIL installer for Python 2.5

(Btw, I totally feel like a 80 yr old trying to program on this mac)


  • Easiest way is probably to install Mac Ports:

    Then from a terminal window: $ sudo port install python25

    Afterwards, you should have python_select available, which you can use to change your symlinks.