
bnlearn::bn.fit difference and calculation of methods "mle" and "bayes"

I try to understand the differences between the two methods bayes and mle in the bn.fit function of the package bnlearn.

I know about the debate between the frequentist and the bayesian approach on understanding probabilities. On a theoretical level I suppose the maximum likelihood estimate mle is a simple frequentist approach setting the relative frequencies as the probability. But what calculations are done to get the bayes estimate? I already checked out the bnlearn documenation, the description of the bn.fit function and some application examples, but nowhere there's a real description of what's happening.

I also tried to understand the function in R by first checking out bnlearn::bn.fit, leading to bnlearn:::bn.fit.backend, leading to bnlearn:::smartSapply but then I got stuck.

Some help would be really appreciated as I use the package for academic work and therefore I should be able to explain what happens.


  • Bayesian parameter estimation in bnlearn::bn.fit applies to discrete variables. The key is the optional iss argument: "the imaginary sample size used by the bayes method to estimate the conditional probability tables (CPTs) associated with discrete nodes".

    So, for a binary root node X in some network, the bayes option in bnlearn::bn.fit returns (Nx + iss / cptsize) / (N + iss) as the probability of X = x, where N is your number of samples, Nx the number of samples with X = x, and cptsize the size of the CPT of X; in this case cptsize = 2. The relevant code is in the bnlearn:::bn.fit.backend.discrete function, in particular the line: tab = tab + extra.args$iss/prod(dim(tab))

    Thus, iss / cptsize is the number of imaginary observations for each entry in a CPT, as opposed to N, the number of 'real' observations. With iss = 0 you would be getting a maximum likelihood estimate, as you would have no prior imaginary observations.

    The higher iss with respect to N, the stronger the effect of the prior on your posterior parameter estimates. With a fixed iss and a growing N, the Bayesian estimator and the maximum likelihood estimator converge to the same value.

    A common rule of thumb is to use a small non-zero iss so that you avoid zero entries in the CPTs, corresponding to combinations that were not observed in the data. Such zero entries could then result in a network which generalizes poorly, such as some early versions of the Pathfinder system.

    For more details on Bayesian parameter estimation you can have a look at the book by Koller and Friedman. I suppose many other Bayesian network books also cover the topic.