I have tried to implement a C QuickSelect algorithm as described in this post (3 way quicksort (C implementation)). However, all I get are performances 5 to 10 times less than the default qsort (even with an initial shuffling). I tried to dig into the original qsort source code as provide here (https://github.com/lattera/glibc/blob/master/stdlib/qsort.c), but it's too complex. Does anybody have a simpler, and better algorithm? Any idea is welcomed. Thanks, NB: my original problem is to try to get the Kth smallest values of an array to the first Kth indices. So I planned to call quickselect K times EDIT 1: Here is the Cython Code as copied and adapted from the link above
cdef void qswap(void* a, void* b, const size_t size) nogil:
cdef char temp[size]# C99, use malloc otherwise
#char serves as the type for "generic" byte arrays
memcpy(temp, b, size)
memcpy(b, a, size)
memcpy(a, temp, size)
cdef void qshuffle(void* base, size_t num, size_t size) nogil: #implementation of Fisher
cdef int i, j, tmp# create local variables to hold values for shuffle
for i in range(num - 1, 0, -1): # for loop to shuffle
j = c_rand() % (i + 1)#randomise j for shuffle with Fisher Yates
qswap(base + i*size, base + j*size, size)
cdef void partition3(void* base,
size_t *low, size_t *high, size_t size,
QComparator compar) nogil:
# Modified median-of-three and pivot selection.
cdef void *ptr = base
cdef size_t lt = low[0]
cdef size_t gt = high[0] # lt is the pivot
cdef size_t i = lt + 1# (+1 !) we don't compare pivot with itself
cdef int c = 0
while (i <= gt):
c = compar(ptr + i * size, ptr + lt * size)
if (c < 0):# base[i] < base[lt] => swap(i++,lt++)
qswap(ptr + lt * size, ptr + i * size, size)
i += 1
lt += 1
elif (c > 0):#base[i] > base[gt] => swap(i, gt--)
qswap(ptr + i * size, ptr + gt* size, size)
gt -= 1
else:#base[i] == base[gt]
i += 1
#base := [<<<<<lt=====gt>>>>>>]
low[0] = lt
high[0] = gt
cdef void qselectk3(void* base, size_t lo, size_t hi,
size_t size, size_t k,
QComparator compar) nogil:
cdef size_t low = lo
cdef size_t high = hi
partition3(base, &low, &high, size, compar)
if ((k - 1) < low): #k lies in the less-than-pivot partition
high = low - 1
low = lo
elif ((k - 1) >= low and (k - 1) <= high): #k lies in the equals-to-pivot partition
qswap(base, base + size*low, size)
else: # k > high => k lies in the greater-than-pivot partition
low = high + 1
high = hi
qselectk3(base, low, high, size, k, compar)
A selection algorithm to find the nth smallest elements in an unordered list.
these elements ARE placed at the nth positions of the input array
cdef void qselect(void* base, size_t num, size_t size,
size_t n,
QComparator compar) nogil:
cdef int k
qshuffle(base, num, size)
for k in range(n):
qselectk3(base + size*k, 0, num - k - 1, size, 1, compar)
I use python timeit to get the performance of both method pyselect(with N=50) and pysort. Like this
def testPySelect():
A = np.random.randint(16, size=(10000), dtype=np.int32)
pyselect(A, 50)
timeit.timeit(testPySelect, number=1)
def testPySort():
A = np.random.randint(16, size=(10000), dtype=np.int32)
timeit.timeit(testPySort, number=1)
Here is a quick implementation for your purpose: qsort_select
is a simple implementation of qsort
with automatic pruning of unnecessary ranges.
Without && lb < top
, it behaves like the regular qsort
except for pathological cases where more advanced versions have better heuristics. This extra test prevents complete sorting of ranges that are outside the target 0 .. (k-1). The function selects the k
smallest values and sorts them, the rest of the array has the remaining values in an undefinite order.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
static void exchange_bytes(uint8_t *ac, uint8_t *bc, size_t size) {
while (size-- > 0) { uint8_t t = *ac; *ac++ = *bc; *bc++ = t; }
/* select and sort the k smallest elements from an array */
void qsort_select(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
int (*compar)(const void *a, const void *b), size_t k)
struct { uint8_t *base, *last; } stack[64], *sp = stack;
uint8_t *lb, *ub, *p, *i, *j, *top;
if (nmemb < 2 || size <= 0)
top = (uint8_t *)base + (k < nmemb ? k : nmemb) * size;
sp->base = (uint8_t *)base;
sp->last = (uint8_t *)base + (nmemb - 1) * size;
while (sp > stack) {
lb = sp->base;
ub = sp->last;
while (lb < ub && lb < top) {
/* select middle element as pivot and exchange with 1st element */
size_t offset = (ub - lb) >> 1;
p = lb + offset - offset % size;
exchange_bytes(lb, p, size);
/* partition into two segments */
for (i = lb + size, j = ub;; i += size, j -= size) {
while (i < j && compar(lb, i) > 0)
i += size;
while (j >= i && compar(j, lb) > 0)
j -= size;
if (i >= j)
exchange_bytes(i, j, size);
/* move pivot where it belongs */
exchange_bytes(lb, j, size);
/* keep processing smallest segment, and stack largest */
if (j - lb <= ub - j) {
sp->base = j + size;
sp->last = ub;
ub = j - size;
} else {
sp->base = lb;
sp->last = j - size;
lb = j + size;
int int_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) {
int aa = *(const int *)a;
int bb = *(const int *)b;
return (aa > bb) - (aa < bb);
#define ARRAY_SIZE 50000
int array[ARRAY_SIZE];
int main(void) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
array[i] = ARRAY_SIZE - i;
qsort_select(array, ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(*array), int_cmp, 50);
for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
printf("%d%c", array[i], i + 1 == 50 ? '\n' : ',');
return 0;