
Dump database with pg_dump, ignoring tables that we don't have access to

I have a script where pg_dump is failing with a message like this:

pg_dump -h db1 --format plain --encoding UTF8 --schema=public --schema-only --no-owner me
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query failed: ERROR:  permission denied for relation notmytable
pg_dump: [archiver (db)] query was: LOCK TABLE public.notmytable IN ACCESS SHARE MODE

This is causing the whole dump to abort.

Is there a way to either:

I really don't want these tables in the dump, so even if we could get access to them, that wouldn't exactly solve the problem.

(Postgres 9.6.3)


  • It doesn't appear there is a standard way to do this, but using the --exclude-table flag, we can use a workaround:

    export EXCLUDETABLE=$(psql -t -h $HOST -d $DBNAME -c "select '--exclude-table=' || string_agg(tablename,' --exclude-table=') FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE tableowner NOT LIKE 'myuser';" )

    This sets EXCLUDETABLE to look like --exclude-table=foo --exclude-table=blah

    Now we pass that to pg_dump:

    echo Excluding these tables from dump: $EXCLUDETABLE
    pg_dump -h $HOST --format plain --encoding UTF8 --schema=public --schema-only --no-owner $EXCLUDETABLE $DBNAME > public-schema.sql