I've got folder in assets called images1 with 114 images in it. I need to set them in listView with 2 textViews and 1 imageView. I haven't problems with textViews, but i don't know how to set images from assets to listView. I tried:
int ids[] = new int[114];
for (int i = 0; i <ids.length; i++) {//<-------- taking ids of all pictures from images1 in assets-folder
try {
String[] images =getAssets().list("images1");
ArrayList<String> listImages = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(images));
int imgId = getResourceId(this, listImages.get(i),"images1", getPackageName());
ids[i] = imgId;
catch(IOException ex) {}
ArrayList<Map<String, Object>> data = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(
questionTexts.length);//<--------filling listView's textViews and imageView
Map<String, Object> m;
for (int i = 0; i < questionTexts.length; i++) {
m = new HashMap<String, Object>();
m.put(ATTRIBUTE_QUESTION_TEXT, questionTexts[i]);//<-------- textView
m.put(ATTRIBUTE_ANSWER_TEXT, answerTexts[i]);//<-------- textView
m.put(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_IMAGE, ids[i]);//<-------- imageView
int[] to = { R.id.listView_item_title, R.id.listView_item_short_description, R.id.listView_image };
SimpleAdapter sAdapter = new SimpleAdapter(this, data, R.layout.item,
from, to);
lvSimple = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.lvSimple);
public static int getResourceId(Context context,String variableName, String resourceName,
String packageName) throws RuntimeException{//<----- this method helps me to get IDs of images from assets/images1
return context.getResources().getIdentifier(variableName,resourceName,packageName);
}catch (Exception e){
throw new RuntimeException("Error getting resource id");
But finally i've got white fields instead my pictures. I know how to solve this problem when your pictures are in R.drawable, but how to do it when they are in assets subfolder?
Simple Adapter can work only with IDs in drawable-folder or with Uri. But you can use ViewBinder to set image using setImageBitmap method.