I have an existing ComposePopupView()
modelview which contains observable
this.attachments = ko.observableArray([]);
and a method below
ComposePopupView.prototype.addDropboxAttachment = function (oDropboxFile)
oAttachment = null,
iAttachmentSizeLimit = Utils.pInt(Settings.settingsGet('AttachmentLimit')),
mSize = oDropboxFile['bytes']
oAttachment = new ComposeAttachmentModel(
oDropboxFile['link'], oDropboxFile['name'], mSize
oAttachment.fromMessage = false;
oAttachment.cancel = this.cancelAttachmentHelper(oDropboxFile['link']);
if (0 < mSize && 0 < iAttachmentSizeLimit && iAttachmentSizeLimit < mSize)
return false;
Remote.composeUploadExternals(function (sResult, oData) {
var bResult = false;
if (Enums.StorageResultType.Success === sResult && oData && oData.Result)
if (oData.Result[oAttachment.id])
bResult = true;
if (!bResult)
}, [oDropboxFile['link']]);
return true;
Then I have created my other modelview called UsersDocumentsPopupView()
where I'm accessing above method as
DropBox = __webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/Compose */ 31)
but it throws an error
Cannot read property 'attachments' of undefined
Then I have decided to add observable
this.attachments = ko.observableArray([]);
to my modelview and then tired to do
where oAttachment
is an object taken from aFiles
array but still I'm getting the same error.
My question is how or even if can I update observable attachments
from one modelview executing another modelview?
When I will do code below in the ComposePopupView()
it works fine
var aFiles = [JSON.parse('{"isDir": false, "name": "koala.jpg", "bytes": 780831,"link": "http://localhost/data/koala.jpg","id": "id:UxmT1S5QcFAAAAAAAAAACw"}')];
if (aFiles && aFiles[0] && aFiles[0]['link'])
So in this case how can I pass data aFiles
from the UsersDocumentsPopupView()
to ComposePopupView()
I have ended up to using Knockout's pub/sub functionality.
Basic example below:
var postbox = ko.observable();
function MyModalViewA()
var _self = this;
var test = new Array();
_self.rows = ko.observableArray([]);
postbox.subscribe(function(newValue) {
//test = test.concat(newValue);
console.log("Rows " + JSON.stringify(test));
}, null, "NewRowAvailable"
function MyModalViewB()
var _self = this;
_self.search = function() {
var newRow = JSON.parse('{ "label" : "abc" }');
postbox.notifySubscribers(newRow, "NewRowAvailable");
var vma = new MyModalViewA();
ko.applyBindings(vma, $("#vma").get(0));
var vmb = new MyModalViewB();
ko.applyBindings(vmb, $("#vmb").get(0));
The first view model subscribes to a specific topic and the second view model notifies through the postbox on that topic. There is no direct dependency on each other.
Certainly the postbox would not need to be global and could be passed into the view model constructor functions or just created inside a self-executing function.
Sample: http://jsfiddle.net/xpvt214o/708647/
Also, the postbox could just be a ko.subscribable()
(which is included in the ko.observable functions).