I'm trying to reproduce some large project that was written in Matlab, using python. I managed to reproduce most of the results, but I have a problem specifically with SVD decomposition. (I'm looking only on the last, V, part.)
In Matlab:
[~, ~, V] = svd([4.719, -17.257, -11.5392; -17.2575, 63.9545, 40.5581; -11.5392, 40.5581, 31.3256]);
This gets me the following V:
-0.2216 0.0241 -0.9748
0.8081 -0.5549 -0.1974
0.5457 0.8316 -0.1035
in numpy:
np.linalg.svd(np.array([[4.71993, -17.2575, -11.539], [-17.257, 63.954, 40.558], [-11.539, 40.558, 31.325]]))[2]
Gets me:
array([[-0.22159139, 0.80814521, 0.54570924],
[ 0.02407525, -0.55491709, 0.83155722],
[ 0.97484237, 0.19740401, 0.10350855]])
Which is transposed (as I think is expected between numpy and matlab) but also different on some minus signs.
even using opencv (cv2) or scipy (even with lapack_driver="gesvd") still gets the same result
scipy.linalg.svd(np.array([[4.71993, -17.2575, -11.539], [-17.257, 63.954, 40.558], [-11.539, 40.558, 31.325]]), lapack_driver="gesvd")[2]
I also tried to transpose the input matrix, which didn't change much.
I understand that both answers are correct. But I really need to get the exact same result to be able to reproduce the project.
you're not representing the matrix the same in both environments (different numerical precision). If you use the same matrix it should be equivalent (transpose).
>> a=[[4.71993, -17.2575, -11.539]; [-17.257, ...
a =
4.7199 -17.2575 -11.5390
-17.2570 63.9540 40.5580
-11.5390 40.5580 31.3250
>> [~,~,v]=svd(a);
>> v'
ans =
-0.221591 0.808145 0.545709
0.024075 -0.554917 0.831557
0.974842 0.197404 0.103509
with Python
import numpy as np
a=[[4.71993, -17.2575, -11.539], [-17.257, ...
array([[-0.221591, 0.808145, 0.545709],
[ 0.024075, -0.554917, 0.831557],
[ 0.974842, 0.197404, 0.103509]])